15 May 2023

How to rethink the economy with wellbeing at the core

From Nine To Noon, 9:30 am on 15 May 2023
Multiracial senior friends having fun dining together and toasting with red wine on house patio dinner - Food and holidays concept

Photo: 123rf.com

Katherine Trebeck is a political economist, writer and advocate for economic system change. She is the co-founder of the Wellbeing Economy Alliance, an international collaborative organisation focused on economic system change.  Dr Trebeck's roles include writer-at-large at the University of Edinburgh, consultant to the Club of Rome, a Strategic Advisor for the Centre for Policy Development, and Economic Strategy Advisor to The Next Economy. She's also the author of The Economics of Arrival: Ideas for a Grown Up Economy. Dr Trebeck has been in New Zealand for a series of talks and workshops with MBIE, the Productivity Commission, talks hosted by Wellington and Auckland Councils, and accounting firm Grant Thornton. She talks to Kathryn about where she stands on the many different ways people are trying to rethink the 'economy'.

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